MyBookie NFL Survivor Pool Guarantees $100,000

NFL 2020 Survivor Contest at MyBookie Offering $100,000

September is here and that means online National Football League Survivor Pools are loading up with delusional participants believing this will finally be their year for success. However, with advanced analytics and countless individuals studying Game Theory, competition has never been more fierce.

Since MyBookie is legal in the United States under international law, they’ve decided to host another Survivor Pool this year, ensuring equal parts of “frustration” and “euphoria” for participating members. Traditional rules apply and players must select one team per week to win outright (not against the spread), advancing to the next week if victorious, with each only able to be selected once.

MyBookie Sign Up BannerThis 2020 Survivor Contest guarantees a firm $100,000 cash prize to the lucky winner still standing at the end, regardless of total number of entries purchased by others. Obviously, if multiple contestants remain after Week 17, the purse is split evenly among those still alive. Profiles only cost $10 and anyone sending them a real money gambling deposit over the weekend receives a complimentary ticket to join the pool for free.

A strict number of entries are available, a maximum of 30 for each user, more than enough to hopefully get past Week 5. However, there are no Auto-Picks in this pool so missed deadlines will be immediately eliminated regardless of how many people are left. It’s probably wise to set weekly calendar reminders to reduce the chances of forgetting.

Registration closes on Monday, September 14th, 2020, at 10:15pm ET as that’s when the second Monday Night Football game kicks off. So anyone craving a shot at taking down tens of thousands of competitors while getting paid for the privilege should visit top-ranked MyBookie NFL Sportsbook now to enter.

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